


巴西世界杯的歌曲是"Todo Mundo/全世界",由巴西MTV年度最佳艺人Gaby Amarantos联手桑巴乐团Monobloc共同演唱。歌词如下:

Vem que vai começar 来吧,我们开始

Um mundo num só lugar 全世界都汇聚于此

Cada canto do meu país 巴西的每一个角落

Tem sede de ser feliz 都渴望欢乐

E o som da batida 打击的声音

Na palma da mão 在我们的手掌心

E a voz da torcida 啦啦队的歌声

É a voz da nação 就是民族的歌声

Eu quero gol 我要进球

Ôô ôô ôôôôôôô... Ôô ôô ôôôôôôô...

Vamos gritar 让我们欢呼

Ôô ôô ôôôôôôô... Ôô ôô ôôôôôôô...

É gol, é gol, é gol 进球了,进球了,进球了

Vamos espalhar felicidade 让我们传递欢乐

É a copa de todo mundo 这是全世界的奖杯

Vamos juntar o mundo todo 让全世界联合起来

Pra batucar, pra batucar 为了继续敲打,为了继续敲打(这里是说打击乐)

Juntos vamos fazer 让我们一起

O sonho acontecer 实现梦想

Seja em qualquer lugar 无论在哪里

A galera vai cantar 大伙歌唱

E o som da batida 打击的声音

Na palma da mão 在我们的手掌心

E a voz da torcida 啦啦队的歌声

É a voz da nação 就是民族的歌声

Eu quero gol 我要进球

Ôô ôô ôôôôôôô... Ôô ôô ôôôôôôô...

Vamos gritar 让我们欢呼

Ôô ôô ôôôôôôô... Ôô ôô ôôôôôôô...

É gol, é gol, é gol 进球了,进球了,进球了

Ôô ôô ôôôôôôô.. Ôô ôô ôôôôôôô...

E a galera grita gol 大伙为进球欢呼

Ôô ôô ôôôôôôô.. Ôô ôô ôôôôôôô...

É gol, é gol, é gol 进球了,进球了,进球了

Vamos espalhar felicidade 让我们传递欢乐

É a copa de todo mundo 这是全世界的奖杯

Vamos juntar o mundo todo 让全世界联合起来

Pra batucar, pra batucar 为了继续敲打,为了继续敲打(这里是说打击乐)

Eu sou da torcida, da felicidade 我欢呼雀跃

Faço nesse sonho a realidade 让这个梦想成为现实

Mundo inteiro dando um show 全世界正在上演一场Show

Vamos num só ritmo 让我们沉醉在这个节奏中

Eu quero a raça, eu quero a taça 我要比赛,我要奖杯

Galera grita gol 大伙为进球欢呼

Eu quero gol 我要进球

Ôô ôô ôôôôôôô... Ôô ôô ôôôôôôô...

E a galera grita gol 大伙为进球欢呼

Ôô ôô ôôôôôôô... Ôô ôô ôôôôôôô...

É a copa de todo mundo 这是世界的奖杯

Ôô ôô ôôôôôôô... Ôô ôô ôôôôôôô...

Vamos espalhar felicidade 让我们传递欢乐

É a copa de todo mundo 这是世界的奖杯

Ôô ôô ôôôôôôô... Ôô ôô ôôôôôôô...

Eu quero gol, eu quero gol 我要进球,我要进球

Ôô ôô ôôôôôôô... Ôô ôô ôôôôôôô...

Vamos espalhar felicidade 让我们传递欢乐

É a copa de todo o mundo 这是世界的奖杯

Vamos juntar o mundo todo 让全世界联合起来

E a galera grita gol 大伙为进球欢呼

Ôô ôô ôôôôôôô... Ôô ôô ôôôôôôô...

Vamos espalhar felicidade 让我们传递欢乐

É a copa de todo o mundo 这是全世界的奖杯

(Vamos celebrar, vamos celebrar) (让我们庆祝,让我们庆祝)

Vamos juntar o mundo todo pra batucar让全世界联合起来一起敲打(意思是敲打打击乐)

Ôô ôô ôôôôôôô... Ôô ôô ôôôôôôô...

Vamos espalhar felicidade 让我们传递欢乐

É a copa de todo o mundo 这是世界的奖杯

(Eu quero gol) (我要进球)

Vamos juntar o mundo todo 让全世界联合起来

Ôô ôô ôôôôôôô... Ôô ôô ôôôôôôô...

Eu quero gol! 我要进球


2014年巴西世界杯主题曲是《we are one》,由美国拉丁天后詹妮弗·洛佩兹、当红歌星皮普保罗和巴西歌星克劳迪娅·莱蒂共同演唱。因为巴西是一个以足球为荣耀的国家,整个国家对于足球的热情非常高。整首歌体现出一副欢快,明朗的节奏。


高擎旗帜 直破云天

直指天空 举向更高

左右挥舞 旗帜翻动

左右挥动 排排共舞

向世界展示 你来自何方


让世界知道 天下一家

一体 真爱 生命与共



同一份热爱 同一体生命

同一个世界 同一场战役

整个世界 聚焦一夜

仅在一地 正是巴西


今天 就是你的世界 我的世界 我们的世界


今天 就是你的世界 我的世界 我们的世界




高擎旗帜 直破云天

直指天空 举向更高

左右挥舞 旗帜翻动

左右挥动 排排共舞

向世界展示 你来自何方


让世界知道 天下一家

一体 真爱 生命与共



两支队伍 一场比赛 万众瞩目

满溢的心情 直冲星汉

今夜振臂高呼 拳指向天


世界共融 只为这场比赛


两支队伍 一场比赛 万众瞩目

加油 加油





高擎旗帜 直破云天

直指天空 举向更高

左右挥舞 旗帜翻动

左右挥动 排排共舞

向世界展示 你来自何方


让世界知道 天下一家

一体 真爱 生命与共

属于你 也属于我



欢呼 痛苦 微笑 尖叫


高擎旗帜 直破云天

直指天空 举向更高

左右挥舞 旗帜翻动

左右挥动 排排共舞

向世界展示 你来自何方


让世界知道 天下一家

一体 真爱 生命与共




Pitbull(皮普保罗),1981年1月15日出生于美国佛罗里达,迈阿密。是欧美乐坛当红HipHop,Rap,Reggaeton歌手。代表作品《Culo》《Give Me Everything》《On The Floor》

Jennifer Lopez

詹妮弗·洛佩兹(Jennifer Lopez),美国著名女歌手、演员。1969年7月24日出生于美国纽约市布朗克斯区,双亲为拉丁美洲的波多黎各人,她身兼演员、歌手、电视制作人、流行设计师与舞者等多职。根据网站A Socialite's Life的报导,她是好莱坞最富有的西班牙语系人物。根据由西班牙裔投票的“100个最具影响力的西班牙语系人物”排行榜,她成为了美国最具影响力的西班牙语系艺人。

Claudia Leitte

Claudia Leitte(克劳迪娅·莱蒂),1980年7月10日出生在巴西里约热内卢州的圣贡萨洛。童年时期,她就被父母发现有音乐天赋。1990年,Claudia Leitte怀着成为歌手的梦想,开始自学吉他,是吉他的和弦让她第一次发现,对音乐的热情将成为她永恒的事业。



1986:别样的英雄“A Special Kind of Hero

Living for a very special sign 为了一个非常特殊的标志而活\Telling of a very special time 讲述一个极其特别的时刻\Leaving just the chance to stake a claim 只剩最后一次机会来主宰\In a very different kind of game 在一个非常特别的比赛中\Just one chance to be held up high 只有一个机会被高举\Or be cut down 或被砍到\Sink or swim, swim or drown 沉没或者游起,游起或者溺死\Can me see the gap between right and wrong 我可以看到正确和错误之间的差距\Tearful sounds and a joyful song 含泪的声音和欢乐的歌曲\Reachingfor the hands of love 向爱之手靠近\Hoping to be pulled from up above 希望被高高托起\My friend, 我的朋友\to be a special kind of hero 去成为一种别样的英雄\My new found game, 我新发现的游戏\to be a special kind of hero 去成为一种别样的英雄\I need you, 我需要你



Forse non sara una canzone\A cambiare le regole del gioco\Ma voglio viverla cosi quest' avventura\Senza frontiere e con il cuore in gola\E il mondo in una giostra di colori\E il vento accarezza le bandiere\Arriva un bivido e ti trascina via

E sciogli in un abbraccio la follia\Notti magiche\Inseguendo un goal\Sotto il cielo

Di un'estate italiana\E negli occhi tuoi\Voglia di vincere\Un'estate\Un'avventura in piu\Quel sogno che comincia da bambino\E che ti porta sempre piu lontano

Non e una favola - e dagli spogliatoi\Escono i ragazza e siamo noi\Notti magiche

Inseguendo un goal\Sotto il cielo\Di un'estate italiana\E negli occhi tuoi\Voglia di vincere\Un' estate\Un avventura in piu\Notti magiche\Inseguendo un goal\(Inseguendo un goal)\Sotto il cielo\Di un'estate italiana(na na na na)\E negli occhi tuoi\Voglia di vincere\Un' estate\Un‘avventura in piu\Un’avventura

Un‘avventura in piu\Un’avventura\Goal !\



We are the Champions 我们是斗士\I've paid my 1)dues 我已付出了代价,\Time after time 一次又一次。\I've done my 4)sentence 我没有犯罪,\But committed no crime 却已经认罪服刑\And bad mistakes 我也犯过一些\I've made a few 严重的错误。\I've had my share of sand kicked in my face 我自作自受,\But I've come through 但是我坚持一路走了过来。\We are the champions - my friends 我们是斗士,我的朋友。\And we'll keep on fighting - till the end 我们要战斗到底。\We are the champions 我们是斗士,\We are the champions 我们是斗士,\No time for losers 这世界不属于失败者,\'Cause we are the champions - of the world 因为我们是世界之王。\I've taken my bows 我已经谢幕,\And my curtain calls 帷幕将要落下。\You brought me fame and fortune 你们为我带来名誉和财富,\And everything that goes with it 以及一切随之而来的东西。\I thank you all 我感谢你们。\But it's been no bed of roses 但是这里并不是天堂,\No pleasure cruise 也并不是一次愉快的旅程。\I consider it a challenge before the whole human race 我把这当作是一个挑战\And I ain't gonna lose 而我绝不会失败。\Won and won and won 百战百胜,\We are the champions - my friends 我们是斗士,我的朋友。\And we'll keep on fighting - till the end 我们要战斗到底。\We are the champions 我们是斗士,\We are the champions 我们是斗士,\No time for losers 这世界不属于失败者,\'Cause we are the champions - of the world 因为我们是世界之王


Verse 1

The Cup of Life(生命之杯)\This is the one(这便是它)\Now is the time(就是现在)\Don't ever stop(不要停下)\Push it along(奋力向前)\Gotta be strong(自强自坚)\Push it along(奋力向前)\Right to the top(到世界之巅)\B SEC 1

The feelin' in your soul(心中热烈的冲动)\Is gonna take control(就要将你掌控)\Nothing can hold you back(只要真心追求)\If you really want it(则没有什么可阻挡你)\I see it in your eyes(你热切的眼神中)\You want the cup of life(对奖杯的渴求在翻涌)\Now that the day is here(就是今天)\Gotta go and get it(为得到它而上场)\Do you really want it ... (Yeah!)(你真的想要它吗?...(当然))\Do you really want it ... (Yeah!)(你真的想要它吗?...(当然))\Do you really want it ... (Yeah!)(你真的想要它吗?...(当然))\Do you really want it ... (Yeah!)(你真的想要它吗?...(当然))\Chorus 1\Here we go! Ale, Ale, Ale!(共同出发,走走走)\Go, go, go! Ale, Ale, Ale!(前进前进前进,走走走)\Tonight's the night we're gonna celebrate(就在今晚,我们将要庆祝)\The cup of life... the world is ours today!(生命之杯,世界属于我们)\Verse 2\The cup of life(生命之杯)\It's do or die(关乎生死)\It's here it's now(如今在此)\Turn up the lights(聚光灯打开)\Push it along(奋力向前)\Then let it roll(足球翻滚)\Push it along(奋力向前)\Go! Go! Goal!(取得领先)\2002年日韩世界杯主题曲《让我们走到一起》

歌曲名:Let's Get Together Now



Chemistry - Let's Get Together Now (Tokyo Calling)



La la la la ...(let's get together now)

すれ违い そんな日もあった

まじわらぬ海流のよう 陆をはさむ



もしも 言叶 世界にひとつとして

无かったとしても 结ばれる

(let's get together now)




(let's get together now)




(let's get together now)

梦见てた 君といつの日か




もしも 谁か仆らの物语り

阻んだとしても 止まらない

(let's get together now)




(let's get together now)




(let's get together now)




(let's get together now)





(let's get together now)




(let's get together now)




(let's get together now)

La la la la ...(let's get together now)


2006年the time of our lives


Toni Braxton Il Divo

There was a dream

Long time ago

There was a dream

Destined to grow

Hacerse pasion (To become passion)

Con fuego abrazar (and to hug with fire)

El deseo de dar sin fin (the will to give in an endless way)

El deseo de ganar (the will to win)

For a lifetime of progress

That runs here to day

We will go all the way

Hey, they feels like having the time of our lives

Let's light the fire, find the plain

Let's go together as one of the same

Cause it feels like we're having the time of our lives

We'll find the glory and the pain

All that we are, for all that we are

For the time of our lives

Hoy es el dia(Today is the day)

Es la pasion de triunfar (the time to suceed)

Para hacer realidad el destino que sonabamos conseguir

(reality the destiny we dreamed to achieve)

Una vida de lucha nos trajo hasta aqui (a life of fight brought us )

Y llegare hasta el final (hereand i will keep until the end)

Heaven knows...

Cause it feels like we're having the time of our lives

Juntos, unidos, triunfara nuestro deseo de ser el major

(together,united,the will to be the best will win)

Cause it feels like we're having the time of our lives

Hasta la gloria, junto a ti, (till the glory,along with you)

Llego el momento de la verdad (the moment of truth ahas arrived)

El momento llego (the moment arrived)

Y ya nunca jamas lo podre olvidar... (and now I will never forget it)

Cause it feels like we're having the time of our lives

Juntos, unidos, triunfara nuestro deseo de ser el mejor

(together,united,the will to be the best will win)

Cause it feels like we're having the time of our lives

Hasta la gloria, junto a ti, (till the glory,along with you)

El momento llego (the moment arrived)

El momento llego (the moment arrived)


We'll find the glory

Find the glory...

We'll be there

For all that we are

For everything that we wanna be and all that we are

For the time of our lives

For the time of our lives...


Give me freedom, give me fire, give me reason, take me higher 给我自由,给我激*情,给我个理由,让我飞得更高

See the champions, take the field now, you define us, make us feel proud 向着冠军,现在就上场吧,你让我明确,让我们自豪

In the streets are, exaliftin , as we lose our inhibition, 在街道上,“普天同庆”,当我们失去了束缚

Celebration its around us, every nations, all around us 在我们身边庆祝吧,每个国家,在我们身边

Singin forever young, singin songs underneath that sun 歌唱永远的年轻,在太阳下歌唱

Lets rejoice in the beautiful game. 让我们在这美丽的运动中欢庆吧

And together at the end of the day. 相聚在这天的到结束

WE ALL SAY 我们一起说 When I get older I will be stronger 当我长大,我会变得更强

They'll call me freedom Just like a wavin' flag 他们让我们自由,就像那旗帜飘扬

And then it goes back 一切都回归

And then it goes back 一切都回归

And then it goes back 一切都回归

2014年世界杯主题歌《we are one》

歌词:2014年巴西世界杯主题曲: We Are One

Put your flags up in the sky

(put them in the sky)

And wave them side to side

(side to side)

Show the world where you're from

(Show them where you're from)

Show the world we are one

(one, love, life)

When the goin gets tough

(goin gets tough)

The tough get goin

(tough get goin)

One love, one life, one world

One fight, whole world, one night, one place

Brazil, everybody put your flags

In the sky and do what you feel

It's your world, my world, our world today

And we invite the whole world

Whole world to play

It's your world, my world, our world today

And we invite the whole world

Whole world to play

Es mi mundo, tu mundo, el mundo de nosotros

Invitamos a todo el mundo a jugar con nosotros

Put your flags up in the sky

(Put them in the sky)

And wave them side to side

(side to side)

Show the world where you're from

(Show them where you're from)

Show the world we are one

(one, love, life)

One night watch the world unite

Two sides, one fight and a million eyes

Full heart's gonna work so hard

Shoot, fall, the stars

Fists raised up towards the sky

Tonight watch the world unite, world unite, world unite

For the fight, fight, fight, one night

Watch the world unite

Two sides, one fight and a million eyes

Hey, hey, hey, for?a for?a come and sing with me

Hey, hey, hey, ole ola come shout it out with me

Hey, hey, hey, come on now

Put your flags up in the sky

(Put them in the sky)

And wave them side to side (side to side)

Show the world where you're from

(Show them where you're from)

Show the world we are one (one, love, life)

Ole ole ole ola

Ole ole ole ola

Ole ole ole ola

Ole ole ole ola

é meu, é seu

Hoje é tudo nosso

Quando chega o mundo inteiro pra jogar é pra mostrar que eu posso

Torcer, chorar, sorrir, gritar

N?o importar o resultado, vamos extravasar

Put your flags up in the sky

(Put them in the sky)

And wave them side to side

(side to side)

Show the world where you're from

(Show them where you're from)

Show the world we are one

(one, love, life)


2014年巴西世界杯: 1、主题歌曲 《We Are One (Ole Ola)》(万众一心)

演唱者:(Pitbull)皮普保罗、珍妮弗·洛佩兹(Jennifer Lopez)克劳迪娅·莱蒂(Claudia Leitte); 2、球迷主题歌曲 《Dar Um Jeito (We Will Find A Way)》(勇往直前)演唱者:卡洛斯·桑塔纳(Carlos Santana)、Wyclef 、 Avicii Alexandre Pires; 3、吉祥物主题歌曲 《Tatu Bom De Bola》(踢球的犰狳)演唱者:阿尔林多·克鲁斯(Arlindo Cruz); 4、西班牙语主题歌曲 《Vida》(人生)演唱者:瑞奇·马丁(Ricky Martin)

mp3附件为主题歌曲 《We Are One (Ole Ola)》


2014巴西世界杯主题曲《We are one》,是足球比赛主题曲。

由美国饶舌天王皮普保罗(Pitbull)、巴西天后克劳迪娅-莱蒂(Claudia Leitte)和拉丁美臀天后詹妮弗-洛佩兹(Jennifer Lopez)的巨星组合,倾情演绎了这首主题曲。

世界杯(FIFA World Cup)即国际足联世界杯,是世界上最高荣誉、最高规格、最高竞技水平、最高知名度的足球比赛,与奥运会并称为全球体育两大最顶级赛事,甚至是影响力和转播覆盖率超过奥运会的全球最大体育盛事。




发布于 2022-08-09 20:08:44
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